Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ceiling Fan #1

When we did our Final Walkthrough for our house, we noticed that there were extra switches on the wall in the hallway and the master bedroom. We asked the contractor what they were for, and he said, "Oh, those are for the ceiling fans. We've already put a box in the ceiling for you."
Thursday, Michael came home from work and started taking the light down from our bedroom ceiling (we had found a fan we liked the previous weekend). Here are some pictures documenting the project (Sorry, there are quite a few).
Poor man's Wire Stripper, and Michael using it. :)

Finnalyn hung out with us while we were working on the fan. Either in the hallway or in the room with us.

All Finished!

1 comment:

  1. Good work - glad you finally got the drill with extras. Is the fan that wobbly when it runs or is the camera girl shaking?:)
