Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We have a house!

It's Official! We have a house! We closed last Tuesday and have been slowly moving wedding gifts up since we got word that it was officially ours. We have almost all the wedding gifts moved (there's just a few left that will be moved today or tomorrow), and we will be moving all the big stuff (beds, dressers, etc) this weekend and we'll start staying there beginning the 4th of July (or maybe the 3rd if Mom and Dad kick us out) ;) We are SO excited and are grateful for the generosity of everyone (for letting us invade the house for 2 months, for being so willing to help us move, for supporting us with this whole process, and everything!) Thank you!

And for those of you wondering, there will be a 'housewarming' party of sorts sometime. We don't know when yet. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day to all the fathers (and future fathers) out there! We are so grateful for all your support and guidance and WE LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crazy life

Apparently I'm really busy and don't update the blog regularly. Michael has already updated his blog twice since we've been married, and the last post on this one is from way back in February. There are a couple posts pending at the moment, but we need to get the pictures to attach to them. Oh well. Keep checking back here. We'll eventually have something new posted. In the meantime, you're welcome to check out his blog and the new things he's posted.