Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas 'Tree' this year

This year our Christmas was pretty small. We spent some time with family on Christmas Eve (we went and saw Tangled) and opened our presents from Mary Ann and Tod (Thanks for the hoodies!) in an effort to make the next day a little less crazy. We ended up going to bed about 2 AM after we'd opened our presents to each other. Michael gave me Toy Story 3 and The Sorcerer's Apprentice on Blu-ray and The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I gave him Prince of Persia on Blu-ray and a U of U dog collar and leash to use for Finn.

Christmas day was spent going from one family to the next. We started out at my parent's house and Michael received a tool chest from Mom and Dad (Holbrook). We also got a much needed blender (thanks Jeff and Becca), since we had not received one for our wedding, and a very cute ornament, our very first one, from Stan and Melanie for our tree. We spent a little time with my family and then proceeded to Grandma Simmons' house for some more time with family.

We had a good time there, and even got a present 'from' Grandpa Simmons, who passed away in September. Grandpa loved woodworking, and before he passed away, he had been working on a little shelf that we were fortunate enough to receive.

Then it was off to the Decker Party for more family time. We got trivets that Grandma Decker had knit for us, and we got a game from Elizabeth and Corey. We then went home and spent some much needed time with Finnalyn since she'd been locked in the room all day.

All in all, it was a good day, even if it was exhausting going from place to place. Next year we will at least have an actual tree to put our presents under!
Our tree, fresh out of the box and unfluffed.

Our Year in Review

Wow. A lot has happened to both of us this year.
We had out engagement pictures taken:
Michael was released from his calling as Vice President-Brotherhood for his chapter of SGC (which is good because he was "graduating" in a month anyway, whether he was released or not)
I had my Bridals taken:
We got married:
Went on our Honeymoon (to Sunny California):
We went on a family trip to Busch Gardens and Outer Banks, NC:
We built a house (or, more accurately, had one built for us):
We got a puppy:
who has grown up quite a bit:

and survived out first 8 months of marriage! 
Wow. What a year! I hope next year is just as great as this last year was. We wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Monday, November 8, 2010


So, for those of you who have been paying attention to Niki’s Facebook, you may have guessed it, but if not, you now know.  That’s right…we got a dog! Well a puppy, it won’t be a dog for another several months.  I make that distinction because we recently discovered there is quite a difference between the two.  For example a dog generally sleeps all through the night, doesn’t whine when you leave, and doesn’t have accidents in the house.  That’s right, you all know this, puppies do all those things…well for a time anyway.  Someone at work told me that a puppy is worse than a kid.  Not having a kid or kids yet I wouldn’t be able to make that comparison.

On that note, Mom Holbrook you can stop hyperventilating, we’re NOT expecting.  Just had to put that out there because more than one person has responded to Niki’s Facebook status asking if she’s pregnant.
Here is just a little bit of what we know about Finn:
  • She’s super cute (Niki’s comment though I agree most of the time)
  • She’s asleep on Niki’s foot at the moment (Also Niki’s comment)
Ok seriously, here are the facts:
Dan, if I get any of my facts wrong, please let me know.  Thanks!
  • She’s a purebred Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  • Her mother is a practical hunter and her father is a trial dog who has champion blood lines (Finn’s Grandfather has 4 state championships and one National)
  • Born 9/17/10 (that’s right she’s only 7.5 weeks old) On a funnier note the date originally said 9/47/11. Apparently I don’t think Day Light Savings Time messes things up enough, Let’s redo the calendar!
  • She’s a bundle of energy and a pain to try and keep an eye on all the time
  • She loves both of us a lot and always wants to be near us. (She cries when she can’t be)
  • She loves to play
  • She sleeps a lot
  • She’s super smart (We’ve had her a whole 2 days and she’s already starting to get the idea of house training and most of the time will respond to “sit” and “lay down” commands)
  • She hates it when we’re both gone at the same time (though she’s going to have to get used to it)
Now for those of you who are interested in how we came to have Finn, here is the story:

In July of this year (2010), at the annual family camp, my uncle started talking about the new dog they had just gotten, who is only about 2 years old as I recall.  They expressed a desire to breed her.  At this news we expressed an interest in one of her puppies when they decided to have some.  Expecting this event to take some time, we went about our daily lives waiting, though not anxiously, for the news they had decided to breed her.  In September my Grandfather passed away and our thoughts were understandably elsewhere.  At the viewing my uncle came and, while waiting to speak with my Grandmother and my Father, spoke with us.  In the course of conversation he asks, “So you guys want a dog?”  To which my first thought was, “Tessa (their dog) is so horrible you’re trying to get rid of her already?”  But he continued before I could say anything explaining that she had already been pregnant when they received her.  He couldn’t tell me when they expected the pups or if they would be purebred or a pointer/retriever mix.

Several weeks later Niki and I received a phone call asking if we would be able and willing to dog sit for my uncle and his family while they were out of town.  When I returned his call I was informed that the pups had arrived 2 weeks prior.  After conversing with Niki we decided that it would be best if we declined for various reasons (which was a hard decision as we really wanted to be able to help out my uncle, and what better way than to also get quality time with Tessa (whom they have since renamed Jess) and the puppies).

Well that’s pretty much it, I mean the rest is obvious. At some point we went and visited them, picked one (actually 2 that we really liked, but decided we would rather have Finn) and went home to sleep on it.  Having finally decided on Finn, we started buying all the dog supplies we thought we’d need (boy did we ever underestimate).  Then on Saturday 11/6/2010 we went and picked up Finn and brought her home.

Now for the moment some of you have been waiting for… A PICTURE!!!


And because I can’t just post one, here’s another.


Friday, October 1, 2010

House Pictures

So we promised some photos of our house a month and a half ago, but we still haven't taken any pictures. We discussed it this past weekend and decided that we want to put some pictures on the wall first (since they are all currently on the floor of our closet) so it looks more like an actual house that people are living in! We'll keep you posted and hopefully post some pictures soon!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wedding Pictures

It's probably about time to post some of the wedding pictures on the blog since we've been married for almost 4 months (Wow, has it been that long?). Here are some of our favorites (I tried to limit them since we got over 300, all of which are available for viewing here and here). Hope you enjoy looking at them! :) We sure enjoyed that special day and love the documention that we have received from family and friends.

I guess the first one didn't turn out so well, so we had to do it again? I thought it turned out pretty cool looking, but then again, I guess they both did, just in different ways. :)