Yesterday, I got bit by the crafty bug.
I was thinking about the wreath on our door that had been hanging there for almost a year, and definitely looks worn. The berries are all faded and cracking, and some have even cracked/broken enough to show the Styrofoam ball underneath. I decided that I wanted something "fall-ish", so Michael and I went to "his" store and bought some items to help me create the wreath I had pictured in my head. Luckily it was Labor Day weekend, so they had a lot of stuff on sale. The wreath we ended up buying was actually on clearance, so we lucked out there, and the leaves we bought (they were on a garland) were on sale as well. I had forgotten our coupons, but I don't know that they would've accepted them anyway since almost everything was on sale (except the glue gun, but that was only $2.50. Who knew glue guns were so cheap?)
I was thinking about the wreath on our door that had been hanging there for almost a year, and definitely looks worn. The berries are all faded and cracking, and some have even cracked/broken enough to show the Styrofoam ball underneath. I decided that I wanted something "fall-ish", so Michael and I went to "his" store and bought some items to help me create the wreath I had pictured in my head. Luckily it was Labor Day weekend, so they had a lot of stuff on sale. The wreath we ended up buying was actually on clearance, so we lucked out there, and the leaves we bought (they were on a garland) were on sale as well. I had forgotten our coupons, but I don't know that they would've accepted them anyway since almost everything was on sale (except the glue gun, but that was only $2.50. Who knew glue guns were so cheap?)
What the wreath originally looked like. Cute, but not what I wanted.
The leaf garlands that we bought
After removing the flowers that were on the wreath. They may get used later on in another craft, but probably not. :)
Starting out. I thought about leaving it like this, but decided to keep going (and I'm glad I did).
Halfway done!
Our "Harvest Wreath" looks very nice on our door, and brings some extra color to the front of our house! All in all, it only took me 2 hours to complete. If you would like some fake leaves for anything, just let me know. We have plenty of extras!
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