Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful for...

I thought it would be a good thing this year to write down a short list of things that I am thankful for. So here goes.
This year, I am thankful for:
An adorable, loving Husband
Who insisted that I post a picture of me as well
 A playful puppy (who isn't much of a puppy anymore)
A House
Cars (even though they sometimes seem like they're about to die)

And others that we don't have pictures of

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Supporting the Family Business

I have now done my part to support the family business. Yesterday, I finally got a pair of glasses.
I say finally because I have been having some problems with double vision for a little while. I used to have glasses when I was younger, so back in January, I got an appointment with Dr. Hoffman, the eye doctor I used to go to. He said that it was due to a weaker eye muscle in my right eye, and suggested eye muscle surgery. I would be ok with that option (after doing some more research about it) because it would most likely be a more permanent fix, whereas glasses would just be a temporary fix, and would only work when I'm wearing them (which should be all the time unless I'm sleeping, and I don't need to see then anyway). He also suggested that I meet with the Neurosurgeon that I used to see, just to make sure there isn't anything new that either of them need to know about (If you don't know why I used to see a neurosurgeon, just ask me).
Well, I kind of dragged my feet a little on that, and I took a few months to call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Walker. I finally got in to see him at the end of May, and he requested an MRI to be sure that nothing was going on in my head that shouldn't be. I went back a week later for that, he got the results right away, and gave me a clean bill of health (again).
I decided that I wanted a second opinion, so after dragging my feet* again, I went in October to see a family friend, Dr. Christiansen. He said surgery is one option, but not the only option. He checked my eyes, and then asked if we could schedule another appointment a week or so later to give him a chance to discuss options with some of his colleagues. I met with him the next Wednesday, and exited his office with a prescription in hand for glasses with prism lenses, which should help to strengthen the weak muscles in my right eye.
We then set off in search of a pair of frames that I liked. We found a pair that I liked, and then dropped them off at the lab with my prescription on Friday. Then yesterday, I picked up my glasses (and got them fitted correctly). Michael swung by the lab and picked up the pair of sunglasses that I had gotten as well, and now I have officially joined the club of "four-eyes."
So, I obviously opted for the glasses. They were cheaper, and it may end up like it did last time I had glasses. In 10 years, I may not need them again (although I'm not holding my breath).

*I didn't necessarily drag my feet. I just didn't remember to call and schedule an appointment until after the office was closed. My memory is SO not what it used to be.

Friday, November 11, 2011

7 years later

in dog years of course.
Our cute, adorable dog has now been a part of our family for a little over a year. We picked her up on November 6, 2010, after meeting her the day before. She got her first shots the morning of the 6th, and we picked her up that evening. She was so scared that first night. New environment, new people, no mom or brothers/sisters to keep her company, kept in a confined space behind our couch, etc. Michael and I actually slept out on the couches the first 2 nights so that we could keep her company, somewhat. She slept in her kennel with the door latched closed (since she was paper trained, but not house trained), and both nights, when she whined, one of us (usually Niki) would lay in front of her kennel where she could see us, until we thought she was asleep, and then would move back to the couch. Those 2 nights were rough. Luckily things got easier, partly because we had to work Monday morning, so we moved her kennel into the laundry room where we couldn't hear her whine all night, and we slept in our room on the other side of the house. As she grew, the whining decreased, and now she only whines when she needs something or wants our attention for some reason. Although we sometimes wish that we had the money that we have spent/will spend on her, we wouldn't trade her for anything! We have loved having her this past year, and watching her grow into the beautiful dog that she is. We totally lucked out and got the best dog of the litter!
We find her like this somewhat often