Saturday, June 11, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Today is my birthday
Birthday Graphics
The day was just spent with each other and Finn at the house. It started out a little early with a phone call to Russia so my parents could wish me Happy Birthday before going to bed. Then we got to work on cleaning the office some (sorry, no before picture) because Michael's grandparents brought up a desk for us to use. They also got a little tour of the house since it was their first time seeing it. We cleaned the office enough to get the desk in, and then started organizing it a little bit (mostly just putting tape, pens/pencils and other office items in the drawers). We both suffer from Chronic Indecision, so when Michael said "It's your day, what do you want to do?" I didn't have any suggestions, and therefore we ended up hanging more pictures. So here are pictures that I took of the pictures and quotes that we hung up today, plus ones of the office and a few of Finnalyn.

The two sides of the office. One side is totally clean and clear (so the desk is usable), and everything else in the office is on the other side of the room. :-)

Finn laid down outside the office while we were cleaning. She knows she's not allowed in there.

The clock we hung in the bathroom, with the flowers we bought a month or so ago to add some color to the bathroom.

 Yes. It says ish. :-)

Michael's Anniversary present from me, hung in our bedroom

A quote we got from my parents, hanging above the window in our bedroom

Hanging above our kitchen

 My cousin is so talented!
This is hanging in our entryway (that little white strip in the bottom corner is the light switch for the office)

A caricature we got on our honeymoon, but never decided where to hang.

We went out to dinner with friends that night. We found out some very sad news (when I find a link to it, I'll post that), but other than that news, it was a very enjoyable time. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes!


  1. Happy birthday again! It was fun talking with you for a few minutes. Thanks for the 1:55 am text.

  2. Don't you have storage space in your garage - oh yeah! - the Smart car is there. What about your big basement - oh yeah! - it is full of Jeff and Bec's stuff. I guess the office will be cluttered for a while longer. Thanks for helping everybody. I love your pictures and where you hung them. Thanks for the update
