Saturday, January 22, 2011

Let the BITING commence!

We first noticed about 2 weeks ago that Finn had begun teething. Since then, she has been biting on everything she possibly can, including milk jugs and plastic bottles (all empty of course), cardboard boxes, towels, my jacket (especially while I'm wearing it. She doesn't care about it much if it's just hanging on the chair), shoes, our legs as we walk by, in addition to all of her chew toys.
Michael bought her a 2 foot rawhide bone which has been a big help at times (when she'll just sit and chew on it), but she hasn't made much of an impact on it yet. I think it hurts her mouth to chew too much. It looks like most of her teeth have come in, or at least started to, so hopefully we'll be through with the biting stage before too much longer.
Some teeth have grown in, but others are still baby teeth or have come out, but not grown out past the gums.

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