Friday, February 15, 2013

Farewell Dwight (or maybe Daphne), Hello Ralph!

No, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Things have just been pretty busy the past little bit. I took some classes summer semester, we went to Wicked while it was in Salt Lake (Thanks Mom and Dad for my Christmas gift), followed by a family trip to Disneyland with the Simmons' (pictures coming eventually), my parents came home from their mission in Russia, lots of family activities while my brothers were in town and Michael tackled his first semester of school in about 10 years (and got all A's!), and is doing just as well with his classes this semester. We're both still working full time and trying to spend as much time as possible with Finnalyn and friends. Things have just been super busy and blogging kind of fell to the bottom of the list of things to do.

Our cars have both been throwing fits for the past little while and we've been looking at getting a new car. Michael and I carpool to work most days and usually drive Dwight (my car), so we weren't too surprised when he started having issues about a year ago. It was time for inspection/renewal, and the check engine light came on. We thought 'Perfect timing. We'll get that checked out and get safety/emissions done at the same time.' When the mechanic ran the codes, it threw an improper 4th gear ratio (whatever that means). So we took it to a transmission shop, left it there for the day and got a call back from them saying 'We don't know why it's throwing that code. It drives fine, can't find any problems with it, come pick it up.' So we brought it home, parked it in the garage for a few days, and used Daphne (Michael's car). The end of the month rolled around and we decided that we needed to get my registration taken care of. When we started Dwight again (after about a week of just sitting in the garage), the check engine light had turned off. So we quickly took it up to Jiffy Lube and he passed inspection! We continued driving him pretty much every day (since he's the more fuel efficient of our two cars) until he started having battery issues (about 6 months later, and the amount of corrosion on the terminals didn't help matters). Again, we left him in the garage, with the battery detached this time, and used Daphne for a little bit, trying to postpone the inevitable fact that we needed to buy a new battery. About a month later, we finally bit the bullet and bought a new one. Dwight drove fine again until about a month and a half later when he suddenly decided he wouldn't shift out of park, a few days after the check engine light turned back on (go figure. We finally get one thing taken care of and new issues pop up). We were able to override the transmission and get him home and into the garage and have been driving Daphne pretty much since then.

After Dwight was out of commission, Daphne decided then that she was going to start acting up too and didn't always want to start. We discovered that was because there was a missing bolt on the starter cable and sometimes the cable was touching enough to close the circuit, and sometimes it wasn't. So we got that fixed and kept driving her. A week or two after we got that starter problem figured out, she decided that she still didn't always want to start and sometimes will die while driving her (only happened once and it wasn't on the freeway thankfully). We think her new issue is a faulty crankshaft sensor, so we're hoping we can get that fixed easily and it will solve both the sudden dying issue as well as the occasional starting problems.

Anyway, this isn't supposed to be a list of problems with our cars, it's supposed to be a 'we have a new car!' post. When I first thought of doing this post, back when Dwight first started having problems, it was going to be titled "Farewell Dwight, Hello Ralph!" But then Daphne started throwing fits (and she is the older of the two cars, but Dwight has more miles), so we aren't sure which car will be worth it to repair and which one we'll be saying farewell to.
Like I said, we have been looking at buying Ralph for close to a year now. He used to belong to Michael's grandpa (whose name was Ralph, hence the name of the car), and he passed away in September of 2010. We feel incredibly lucky that the car was still available for us to get, and know that it was very well taken care of. It is a 2003 Jeep Liberty, and only has just shy of 75,000 miles on it. We've only had it for a day (Happy Valentine's to both me and Michael), but both of us love it already! Michael had his dad pick him up from work in the middle of the day yesterday and made all the arrangements to get it home before returning to work and leaving me none the wiser. I picked him up from work and when we got home, I was unable to park in my spot in the garage because there was a new-to-us car parked there! I was (and am) so excited to have a new car and not have to worry whether or not it will start or shift appropriately!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do I really have to go shoe shopping?

I thought I'd quickly jump on and write down a somewhat funny moment Michael and I had earlier.

This morning I asked Michael if I could get a pedicure before our family vacation to Disneyland at the beginning of August. He told me I could, on one condition, and he would have to check something at home before he would tell me what that condition was.

When we got home from work, I asked him again what his condition was. He went into our closet, came out a few minutes later holding 2 pairs of heels and told me that I could get a pedicure before we went on our vacation, but that I would have to buy a cute pair of open-toed Pumps to show off my toes (both pairs of heels that he had in his hands were closed-toed).

Now, any girl would jump at the chance to go shoe shopping when their husband tells them they have to, right? Nope, not me. I basically said "do I have to?" I told him I don't wear heels. I only own the 2 pairs he had in his hands, one of which I had to buy for a wedding, and the other pair I got on sale when I was crazy enough to think I might enjoy wearing them.

If you needed more proof that I am NOT a girly girl, there it is. :)

(Now to play some Assassin's Creed...)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Backyard completion!

Remember this?
It now looks like this!

We got concrete poured a few weeks ago and we're so excited to be able to use the bigger space! Our backyard is mostly complete, now we just need to spread out the dirt around the concrete and finish up our garden area (after pulling all the weeds). We're excited to be done with the backyard and be able to use the full yard!
Our (mostly) finished backyard!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Just so you all know (all 5 of you who read this),
I (Niki) am taking some classes this summer, so there might not be a whole lot going on on the blogging front until August. In case you are interested in knowing, I'm still working full time, just trying to get my generals done and out of the way, so I'm taking Criminal Justice and Chemistry online. I still have no idea what I want to go into for sure (right now it's English, but if you ask again in an hour, it may be a different answer).
There are a couple pending posts right now, but there probably won't be a whole lot of new stuff going on until August when I have a little more time.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to all the mothers and future mothers out there.
I know these people are very happy for their mothers. Thank you for all your love throughout our lives.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Front Garden

When we had our backyard put in last year, we had them rip out some grass in front of our steps in the front yard. At the end of last month, we went to Home Depot and bought some little shrubs and some stepping stones. We now have a cute little garden in our front yard! I was helping while planting the shrubs, so there's not any "in between" pictures. Just before and after planting. :)
The dirt was really wet after we transplanted the shrubs, so we waited to put the stepping stones down, but I promise they're there now! :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

We spent the first Friday night of December with some of our wonderful cousins. We met Emily, Jordan and their little boy Ben downtown for dinner and then we walked around Temple Square with them, enjoying the lights and the time with each other. It was a cold night for walking around Temple Square, but we planned ahead and bundled up warmly. When we got to the North Visitor's center (we started on the southeast side of the square), we went inside for a little bit to warm up, but didn't stay too long since we didn't want to get too warm and start sweating. We completed our route through the square, walked through the Joseph Smith Building, and split to go to our own cars.
We then went out to their place in Sandy, where we joined up with Tyler, Em's brother, and his wife Sara to make gingerbread houses. Em had made all the gingerbread and the glue (white and green frosting) for us, and Michael and I brought the candy. Tyler and Sara weren't sure if they would be able to make it, but we were glad to know that they would, and we were happy to see them. It doesn't happen often because they are so busy! Here is how we decorated our house. I think it was a unanimous vote that ours was the most festive with the colors. :) We have red & green twists all around the door and the roof line, as well as the "dead" red & green bears on top of the roof. We also appreciated that Em made us a dog (freehand! No stencil) for the front yard of our house.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Festival of Trees

This year for her Christmas present, my mom requested that we do a tree for the Festival of Trees since she is in Russia. Becca, Melanie and I went shopping after Christmas last year to find items that we would want to decorate the tree with. Definitely the time to go since most of it was part of their after-Christmas clearance. :) Melanie came up with the name of our tree (in addition to her help shopping), Heather made the tree skirt, and on the Monday following Thanksgiving this year, Michael and I joined Jeff and Becca and our cousin Em at the South Town Expo Center to decorate the tree. Michael and Jeff did the structural part of the tree, making sure it was sturdy and would stay together during transport (after it was purchased), and the girls did the decorating. I only have one picture of the final product, so I'm going to link to the other posts that have been written about it so that you can see more pictures (although some of them are duplicates). It was a lot of fun to do, and there were a lot of "Well, next year we should do this" or "Next year will be easier because..." or just plain "Next year..." :)
We were glad to see that our tree sold, and to hear that it sold for so much! It was a fun experience and a fun atmosphere to be in with everyone else who was there on "Decorating Day."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful for...

I thought it would be a good thing this year to write down a short list of things that I am thankful for. So here goes.
This year, I am thankful for:
An adorable, loving Husband
Who insisted that I post a picture of me as well
 A playful puppy (who isn't much of a puppy anymore)
A House
Cars (even though they sometimes seem like they're about to die)

And others that we don't have pictures of

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!